
Herbs. Food Stylin and Food Photography Delhi India

How to preserve green’s green

For food photography garnishing is very important, it grabs the viewer’s attention and draws them towards the image. While in the cold times of the year, the preservation of the herbs is not a big deal. But, during the hot season it becomes a challenge.
The best way to get fresh herbs is to collect them from the growing plant, but what if it’s impossible? One of the wonderful ways to keep herbs fresh is to store them in the wet cheesecloth towel.
Here is the method
1. Wash the herbs carefully and remove all the spoiled parts
2. If roots are available, just wash them; avoid removing
3. Put clean cheesecloth towel in cold water, then squeeze it to remove the excessive water and wrap around the washed herbs
4. Put the wrapped herbs in the plastic bag or container and close it tightly
5. Keep the herbs in vegetable section of the fridge for about an hour before the photo shoot starts
1. While using the herbs for every shot,  wrap the remaining herbs again and put them back in the fridge as soon as it possible
2. Do not extravagantly wet the towel, extreme water may spoil the herbs
By the way, this method always works well if you love to add fresh herbs to your food. Enjoy!
How to keep the props clean. Food Photography in Delhi India by

How to keep the props clean

Are you sure, as  a client, the props that you brought will work well for the photography?

Well, a prop might prove itself to be purposive enough. And, that compels an artist to reuse it during the same shoot. Your eyes are not magnifying glasses that they can observe all the towel or fingerprint marks. So, you need to dry the items. Otherwise, such distortions are so visible, that the picture has to be captured again.

All in all, the client needs to acknowledge what they are responsible for – from the clean look of the props to get rid of grabbing the ‘forbidden’ things from the set.

Rather than taking it as a burden, better read the following recommendations on how to keep the props clean.

Advice #1  Replace the regular towel with the one that has reusable microfibers. This amazing fabric doesn’t leave the particles on props and dry them much faster.
Advice #2 Use disposable gloves, especially if you work with metal props. In fact before the shoot, shiny metal  surfaces have to be cleaned with whitening powder for stainless steel.
Advice #3 As for the props rarely used for actual eating, you may like to use window cleaner such as “Mr. Muscle” to remove those undesirable fat spots.
Advice #4 If oily marks on the metal utensils are too old. Take refuge in using ammonia (try not to breath in while you clean, and close the bottle tightly). You can also boil small utensils such as forks, knives, small metal glasses and bowls in a big casserole in a mixture of ammonia, soda, vinegar and dishwasher (1 teaspoon of each on 3 liters of water).
Note :- This mixture can create a very strong reaction so add vinegar in the end and leave enough space in the casserole for some extra foam. Do not use this method for glass wares. If you like to keep your silver look like vintage one, then do not use this compound as it will make your silver look new and shiny again.
Advice #5 Before storing your props, wash them and wrap in paper, or place them in the textile bag. Doing this will actually save the life of your props, reduce contact with air and dust and save your time before shooting.
P. S. If you are going to use your props for real dinner after the session, make sure you wash them with hot water and everyday dishwasher. It will remove the remaining chemicals. Or better let props be props!